overcoming idol envy

We all idolize people we've never met (and likely never will).
Celebrities, entrepreneurs, artists -> all be reasonable figures emulate.
But sometimes, we take it too far. We envy the (seemingly) extraordinary lives they lead.
For me, it's musicians I love and respect. One example is Martin Garrix, a Dutch EDM producer who inspired me to start making music.
I wanted his discography, his fame, his concerts. I wanted to be him.
And it's obvious why. His life looks amazing.
Traveling around the world, headlining festivals, and making music with creative powerhouses.
What naive 18-year-old wouldn't want that?
Recently, I've been rethinking idolizing.
And I created a question that demolished my desire to be somebody else.
If you could trade lives with them for the rest of your life, would you do it?
Your immediate answer might be yes, but think again. Of the people I've asked, I've never heard a yes after consideration.
No. We wouldn't trade lives? That's odd...
If we want to be our idol, why do we reject their life?
When I asked myself this question, switching lives with Martin Garrix, I was reminded of the negatives.
Garrix's insane tour schedule means he practically lives on airplanes. His style of music is different from what I enjoy making.
Not to mention dealing with constant fame and pressure to perform and write hit songs.
The negatives reshaped my perspective.
When we idolize, we only view the upsides.
But when you must live their whole life, you consider everything.
Genuinely wanting another life is an illusion. Because, if given the option, you wouldn't take it.
Idols are fine, in moderation. It becomes problematic once we glorify.
We may catch glimpses of the negative aspects (divorce, anxiety, etc.), but we never hear about the day-to-day.
And that's where we spend most of our lives, between highs and lows.
Emotional limbo.
And you're already seated in the best place for that.